What We Do
Peter Hoblitzell / Our Parks Too!
Our Parks Too! is a campaign geared towards Black Americans in an effort to foster a sense of ownership of our parks, and to negate the idea that outdoor spaces are only accessible to white Americans with monetary privilege.
That couldn’t be farther from the truth. These spaces are, in fact, our parks, too.
Our Mission
To use multifaceted outreach efforts to inspire interest in the National Parks System in the Black community. This endeavor will increase visitation, access, stewardship, and ownership of our natural environment— and will foster that enthusiasm from youth to adulthood.
Peter Hoblitzell / Our Parks Too!
Peter Hoblitzell / Our Parks Too!
Peter Hoblitzell / Our Parks Too!
Our Goals
Create a “Green Book” with special emphasis on safe traveling, using Instagram, Tik Tok, and video blogging to create video journalism content to reach young audiences, detailing how to access, budget for, find lodging, and participate in outdoor activities available at each of the 63 National Parks.
Foster a network of connections with existing Black outdoor engagement groups, Black travel groups, historically black colleges and universities, to promote and publicize activity in the National Park system, and organize small group trips.
Create a 501c3 non-profit with board members comprised of environmentalists, and mental, physical, and public health professionals to promote the health benefits of outdoor activities and green space to Black Americans, and provide excursions to the National Park units for K-12 students to increase youth engagement.
Collaborate with Black outdoor and environmentalist groups to host celebrates the outdoor lifestyle through competitions, exhibitions, demos, and live music in proximity to a National Park unit.